Friday, February 16, 2007

Inclement weather in UMD

The weather got worse and more freezing this week. It snowed and hard to walk everywhere I went, and I slipped on the ice several times in one day. Thanks God, it happened only sometimes but not too often. I hoped there was no one watching when I was slipping, which indeed made me embarrassed so so much.

Due to the inclement weather, I didn't need to attend UMD this Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you checked the UMD homepage this week, you would find that it showed "Universityclosing at 2:00 p.m. today, Feb. 13. Classes will be cancelled." on Tuesday noon and "Today, Wednesday, February 14,2007, the University of Maryland will be closed due to inclement weather." in the early morning on Wednesday. It means I don't need to attend UMD; it is really good news for me to get more sleep!

It is my first experience of touching snow and walking on the ice. It is also my first time not to attend UMD because of the inclement weather in the U.S.


Nina Liakos said...

One nice thing about living in a temperate climate is that we occasionally get unexpected holidays!

Cristina Costa said...

WE have been waiting for it to snow for a couple of months now, but this year snow hasn't visited Manchester yet. I don't think it will.
I am more of a summer person, and I can't wait for the warmer seasons to arrive.
Meanwhile we can enjoy some rays of sun that come and go between drizzling days!
So has been the weather in the Northwest part of England!

Saša said...

I envy you guys - I can't remember ever having such unexpected holidays ;-). In Slovenia it's practically spring and it is VERY difficult to go to school for completely different reasons. The streets are full of people enjoying rays of sun.